New research introduces significant updates to the lunar stratigraphic time scale, incorporating a holistic view of the Moon’s evolution post-Apollo era. Dividing the Moon’s history into three Eons based on the interplay of internal and external processes, the researchers highlight key evolutionary phases from the formation of the magma ocean to the current dominance of impact events. The identification of the “Das Formation” and the refinement of the Pre-Nectarian Period into the Magma-oceanian and Aitkenian Periods offer a more detailed and systematic framework for understanding lunar evolution, with implications for studying other terrestrial planets. Credit: The evolution of endogenic processes is indicated by simulated melt production rate and mare basalt volume. The evolution of exogenic process is indicated by impactor kinetic energy. The points represent the ages of lunar samples produced from different geologic processes. The three evolution phases are designated as Eolunarian, Paleolunarian, and Neolunarian from old to young. Credit: Science China Press The stratigraphic column of the Moon corresponding to the new time scale. Credit: Science China Press
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